ARONAH Document Review Board Summary Report

In March 2018 ARONAH invited submissions for suitably qualified people to review 16 documents that underpin the requirements of ARONAH membership.

The 16 documents that were under review were:

  1. Code of Conduct
  2. Proof of Identity Requirements
  3. Criminal History Register Standard
  4. English Language Skills Register Standard
  5. Guidelines for Advertising of Naturopathic and Western Herbal Medicine Services
  6. Professional Indemnity Insurance Register Standard
  7. Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development
  8. Guidelines on Patient Record Keeping
  9. Recency of Practice Guidelines
  10. General Registration Requirements (including Grandparenting standards)
  11. Limited Registration Requirements (including Grandparenting standards)
  12. Non-practising Registration Requirements (including Grandparenting standards)
  13. Competency Standards – Naturopaths
  14. Competency Standards – Herbalists
  15. Naturopathic Education Accreditation Standards
  16. Western Herbal Medicine Education Accreditation Standards

Key stakeholders were personally invited via email to participate, as well as a general call out on social media (Facebook and twitter).

Two submissions were received:

Jill Dunn Chair WNF Professional Mapping Committee, Educator and Political Convener of Naturopaths and Medical Herbalists of NZ


Catherine Smith, Program Director – Naturopathy & Western Herbal Medicine, Laureate University (as part of SSNT and ACNT)

Jill Dunn outlined some suggested changes to the:

  1. Competency Standards – Naturopaths
  2. Competency Standards – Herbalists

Catherine Smith outlined some suggested changes to the:

  1. Code of Conduct
  2. Professional Indemnity Insurance Register Standard
  3. Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development
  4. Recency of Practice Guidelines
  5. General Registration Requirements (including Grandparenting standards)
  6. Limited Registration Requirements (including Grandparenting standards)
  7. Non-practising Registration Requirements (including Grandparenting standards)
  8. Naturopathic Education Accreditation Standards
  9. Western Herbal Medicine Education Accreditation Standards

Changes suggested by the two individuals were varied from corrections of typos, to clarifications and queries, to high level questions posed. These changes will be considered by the ARONAH board in the next phase of the review process.

ARONAH would like to thank these individuals and organisations for taking the time and effort to participate in the review process.